I’m sure you’ve seen it by now, the television ads for the farmer specific dating site, There are several, but each has a common theme. Each portrays a lonely male farmer surrounded by attractive livestock. He’s desirous of mating but unable to do so away from the farm. Once, however, he stumbles upon, he finds himself surrounded by beautiful and suitable straw-hatted, straw-sucking womenfolk. With “city folk just don’t get it” as its catch phrase, the website shuns over-educated, over-intelligent, over-earning city slickers in favor of hard-working, hard-eating hayseeds who by powerful implication possess much greater desirability.
Now personally I find these commercials rather insipid, but both of my dogs seem to enjoy them. Nonetheless, them ads set me to thinkin’ that, gollee, if it works for farmers, surely it would work for lawyers too. Lawyers ain’t so high-falutin’ as farmers may think, and I know many who might benefit from a comparable site. Lots of us are unmatched and would love companionship, some on account’a divorce, some a’cause death done took their spouses, and others, a lot of them divorce practitioners, simply a’cause they are undesirable as companions to anyone.
So I came to the conclusion that is a really good idea. I haven’t gone fully public with it yet but I did create a beta website and have operated it as a trial balloon, you should pardon the pun, for a few months now. I thought I might share with you some of the romantic posts the site has received. Depending on the response, who knows, I may go at this full bore.
Ending - If nothing else, this could become an entirely new feeder operation for divorce lawyers.
© 2017, S. Sponte, Esq.